Specialists in Pain ManagementSpecialists in Pain Management

It is a natural process for our bodies to communicate with us. Chronic pain can be exhausting painful, debilitating, and frustrating.

Our pain clinic takes a bio-psycho-social approach to help patients control their pain. This includes physiotherapy, medication, as well as less invasive pain management procedures. The medications are administered orally or via intravenous.

The Services

The pain may be acute persistent, chronic or a mixture of both. It also can impact sleep, mood, energy and quality of life. Specialists in pain management offer medical and therapeutic methods to relieve discomfort and improve the people`s quality of life.

Multi-disciplinary pain management is utilized to take care of the patient in all its aspects so that they can get back to their normal lives as quickly as possible. They offer physiotherapy, medicine and surgery, and surgical procedures that aren`t surgical, such as needle acupuncture and nerve block.

Castle Connolly recognizes them as Top Doctors. They use the most modern equipment from reputable manufacturers of medical supplies such as 3M GE and Siemens. Additionally, they are associated with hospitals, which means they are able to continue to provide medical care if needed. You can be sure that you`ll receive highest quality of treatment.

Therapy for Physiotherapy

Physical therapy can play a significant role in treating chronic pain. It improves physical mobility as well as relieves tension in muscles and aids in restoring normal sleep patterns. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression, which may be causing or worsening pain.

The best choice is to pick a facility that utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to treatment of pain. Physical therapists diagnose and treat movement disorders, and provide exercise recommendations. They can recommend Pilates Yoga, Yoga, Tai Chi, or Swimming as effective exercises to decrease the pain and improve your overall health.

Look for a clinic that offers support for your mental health including counseling or therapy. They should also offer relaxation techniques. This can help to reduce depression and anxiety, which can make pain more severe and cause a decrease in your quality of life. Keep a pain diary to track your pain and its effects.


Pain Management

It is an aspect of the body`s normal communication system. Pain can be caused through injuries, illnesses or any other condition. Acute pain is usually short-lived and goes away when the injury heals. Chronic pain may be present for a number of months or years and affect your daily living. Specialists in pain management can manage the pain with medications techniques, exercises and procedures.

A specialist in pain management will get to know you during your first visit to the clinic. They will usually ask you to score your pain on a scale and explain it as well as paying attention to the symptoms. Do remember to see a dr+ if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

An examination of the body will be conducted, where they`ll press and move the affected part. For example, blood tests and x-rays can be taken to determine the extent of the discomfort. They`ll then provide you with a a preliminary or working diagnosis from the results of the tests as well as their experience.